Here to help Landlords and Tenants...
Our aim is to help landlords and tenants resolve issues that arise during their tenancy. We want to help people avoid the need to take formal legal action and most importantly we want to help parties sustain tenancies. We can deal with disputes relating to:
Property standards
Entry rights
Rent arrears
Threatened evictions
Breach of tenancy terms
Noise/anti-social behaviour (except serious anti-social activity)
This list is not exhaustive. Even if your issue is not listed, you can still contact us. We are happy to consider every case and even if SDS Resolve cannot help we will try to point you in the direction of someone who can.
SDS Resolve builds on the work of tenancy deposit scheme SafeDeposits Scotland, where we have 10 years’ experience helping tenants and landlords resolve deposit disputes.

Why use SDS Resolve?
SafeDeposits Scotland already deals with thousands of tenancy deposit disputes each year and our staff successfully resolve many of these disputes by talking with landlords and tenants over the phone. In fact we are so successful at this that each month around a third of the cases that start off as a dispute are resolved informally and without having to go to an adjudicator.
Given how skilled our staff are at resolving disputes between landlords and tenants we have introduced this service which aims to help tenants and landlords in ongoing tenancies to resolve issues they might be encountering. This includes rent arrears, repairing issues, antisocial behaviour and breaches of contract. We are unable to assist in matters relating to breaches of the letting agent code of practice, late protection of deposits or those which contain allegations of criminality.
It's a free service and importantly SDS Resolve is completely impartial. Our aim is to mediate and help find a mutually acceptable solution to disagreements between landlords and tenants.
How does it work?
Complete our resolution referral form
If you are a landlord or tenant you can contact us by using the resolution referral form below. Within 5 working days we will contact you and we will contact your landlord or tenant free of charge to see if they are willing to work with us to resolve the issue.
We provide either party with written documentation outlining the attempts to resolve the issue. If the other party chooses not to engage, we will notify you and close the case as we will not be able to help if the other side won’t join in the discussion.
Schedule a Resolution Appointment
If both the tenant(s) and the landlord(s) are happy to engage, we will schedule an appointment at a time suitable for both parties and we will see if there is the opportunity and willingness to reach an agreement. We can be flexible and accommodate appointments via telephone, videoconference or any other suitable arrangement. The appointment usually takes place within 10 working days.
Parties do not need to speak to each other if they do not wish to. We are happy to be an intermediary between the two parties.
Reaching a Satisfactory Resolution
During the appointment, we will seek to reach a mutual agreement to avoid the need for either party to pursue any further action.
Resolution Summary
If an agreement is reached, parties can either request that we draft up a formal settlement agreement, or they can simply complete the process with an informal agreement. A written agreement can be sent to both parties within 2 working days.
If an agreement cannot be reached, we can signpost the parties where they may wish to go next.